Family & Locally Owned. Carson City, Dayton, Gardnerville, Reno and Surrounding areas.     (775) 297-4337


Ask Dirk: 7 Reasons Your Air Filter May Not Work Correctly

Indoor air quality researchers tell us that particulate matter (PM), or particulates, which are invisible pieces of stuff floating around in the air, are bad for human health. Particulates that are 2.5 micrometers (0.0000025 m) or smaller, abbreviated PM2.5, are worse than larger particulates because they can penetrate deeper into the lungs and more easily find their way into your blood. The biggest sources of PM2.5 in most homes are outdoor air that finds its way into your home, indoor smokers, [...]

2020-01-08T20:39:57-08:00November 7th, 2018|

Ask Dirk: Should I have my furnace serviced for winter?

With cold weather upon us, chances are you have turned on your furnace for the season and are enjoying the warmth it brings to your home. So, if everything seems to be working fine, should I still consider having maintenance service? Absolutely. Here are my reasons why: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of care Your furnace system controls the temperature and moves air throughout your home to keep it comfortable while also filtering out dust and allergens. A [...]

2019-01-04T14:27:16-08:00October 28th, 2018|

Ask Dirk: Should I humidify my home?

Living in Nevada, we are very familiar with the concept of low humidity, but what is it, really? Humidity refers to the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere. Relative humidity, a term used by weather forecasters, measures the actual amount of moisture in the air compared to the total amount of moisture that the air can hold. An important factor in determining how much moisture air can hold is its temperature – colder air holds less moisture than warm air [...]

2019-01-04T14:28:56-08:00October 13th, 2018|

Ask Dirk: What is the best thermostat for my home?

Ask Dirk: What is the best thermostat for my home? Heating can account for nearly half of the average family’s winter energy bill, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Having a good thermostat may help homeowners reduce those costs. The market is full of choices when it comes to home thermostats, so let’s break it down so that you as the homeowner can make an informed decision before winter hits here in northern Nevada. High-end thermostat options: Smart thermostats Operates [...]

2020-11-16T16:44:04-08:00September 18th, 2018|